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Thursday, 6 December 2012

Tips to win on-line competitions

Entering competitions online is great fun, it's exciting and if you win an online competition it can be extremely profitable. Loads of money and other great prizes are won online by people just like you entering free online competitions every day. The best part about these competitions is they are free! It doesn't cost you 1 penny to enter.
As the saying goes you have to be in it to win it!
Here are a few tips to help get you started and hopefully winning with our competitions online.
1. Enter As Many Competitions As Possible
The more competitions you enter the greater your chance of actually winning a prize. We have lots of competitions open to people from all over the world, why stop at just one?
2. The More Prizes The Better
Enter online competitions that have multiple prizes available. The more prizes available the better your chance of winning one.
3. Enter Less Popular Competitions Online
Competitions with less entrants i.e fewer people entering them will be easier to win, so always enter more of these sort of competitions. Still try to enter every contest you can at least once.
4. Read the Small Print
Some competitions only allow one entry, some are only open to residents of certain countries like our UK Competitions. Don't risk getting yourself disqualified.
5. Setup Alternate Email Accounts
Setup some different email addresses and use these to enter competitions. You may get some junk mail from some of the competition organizers, don't let this email invade your daily business, it might as well be going to an email account you have set up specifically for this purpose, rather than to your personal one. Make sure you always check these email accounts for notifications incase you win.
6. Enter Real Details
Imagine if you won a great prize and had entered the wrong details! Always put your real details in when asked.
7. Use "Web Form Filling" Software
Use special "Web Form Filling" software to speed up the process of entering competitions.
It will enable you to complete web forms with just one click, which can make the difference between only entering 20 competitions in an hour or being able to enter 100 competitions.
If you use Firefox as your browser software there is loads of great add ons for this purpose like iMacros Google's Toolbar also has an auto fill feature that allows you to fill in your details with one click.
Don't use software that automatically enters competitions for you, this won't help you win and you will most likely be disqualified.
8. Share your Competitions
If you know about a competition that isn't listed on Competitions Online, use our contact form to tell us about it.
9. Have Fun!
If entering our contests, competitions and prize draws stops being fun and starts to feel like work, take a few days off and come back to it later. There will always be more online competitions for you to win when you return.
10. Keep Trying!
In the words of Sir Winston Churchill "Never give up, never ever give up" - Something like that anyway. If you don't win at first try, try again.
We are always adding new competitions to our sites, they are easy to enter and free. Why not visit us and see if you can win money online for free? Remember don't just enter one online competition, the more competitions you enter the greater chance you have of winning.
We don't just list competitions to win money either, prizes available on our sites include cars, holidays and much more!

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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Understanding Competitions to Win Prizes Again and Again

All About Competitions
There are thousands of people all across the globe that participate in competitions to win prizes. In the UK these people are known as 'Compers' and some of them do so well in winning prizes that they can actually make a living out of it.
How do they make a living? I hear a few of you ask. Well they enter hundreds of competitions each week they start to win prizes weekly, any prizes they are not interested in they can sell online at places such as, Ebay, Amazon,classified ads, forums etc.
Why do competitions exist?
One answer, it's simply to promote their site. If they create a competition hundreds, maybe thousands of people will flock to the site to enter the competition and a lot of the time will visit other pages at the site. I know I do.
The prizes you can win?
There are so many prizes from money, cars, holidays, homes, books, clothes, electrical equipment, shopping sprees, vouchers. You name it someone will probably have given the prize away.
What type of competitions are out there?
Prize Draws/Sweepstakes - these are competitions where you do not have to answer a question and you just submit your details. The winner is picked at random.
Question - You have to answer a question correctly in order to be placed in the competition. The winner is picked at random from the correct answers.
Quizzes - You complete a quiz and the more answers you get correct the more points you get. The winner is the person with the most points.
Skill - To enter the competition you have to do something that requires an element of skill. Write slogans, poems, draw something etc. All prizes are judged by a panel and the winner is the one picked by the judges.
How do you enter competitions?
There are many ways to enter competitions and sometimes you will get more than one option to send in your entry.
Postal - Sending your answer on an envelope or a postcard.
Email - Email your answer to the email address given.
Phone - Phoning a number and leaving your details.
Entry Form - You collect entry forms from stores and either complete and fill out and leave in the store or post back to the relevant address.
Online - Complete an online form with your details and submit.
How much do competitions cost to enter?
Depending on the type of competition and the prizes competitions can enter from nothing to as much as $10!
The competitions that are free are online and by email will be entered by more people giving you less of a chance of winning. Also if they are free they will probably send you countless emails after trying to make you buy something else.
Postal competitions are also free to enter but you have to count stamps and postcards so each competition that you enter will cost you.
Paid competitions. This can be by phone or online and less people enter these as they do not like to pay. This gives you more of a chance of winning. I have won numerous of times with these type of competitions.
Where to find competitions?
There are many sites that are created especially to list all the competitions that are around at the moment, there are also forums that you can join in which you and other members can share any competitions found.
Some sites that I find very good:
These are just a few but there are so many more, you just have to do a search for them.
A few tips before I end this article:
Don't just enter competitions that have big prizes. Everybody would love to win a car/holiday and that's why you have less chance of winning as everyone and his dog will probably be entering. Entering competitions that have small prizes (books, voucher etc) are great as less people enter. I often win 2/3 small prizes a week which soon adds up.
Try enter more paid, skill and quiz competitions. A lot of people are often put off with these type of competitions as they require a bit of work put into them. This gives you a higher percentage of winning.
Enter competitions with prizes you are not interested in. You may not want the prize but you will probably know someone who does. I give many prizes I've won as presents or sell them.
Good luck and I hope the prizes soon start rolling in.
I am from the UK and work for the local government. I am hoping that will soon change and I will be able to support myself and lavish lifestyle by just working online. How I Make Money Why I do Surveys

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Friday, 7 September 2012

10 Lessons on Competition

Every human being is born with an innate ability and desire to compete in any way, shape or form. This is the reason why competition exists in business, social groups and countries etc. I was born in a very competitive environment being one of 24 children my father had from 3 wives. We competed for his attention (time), for his finances and certainly for his approval. I always draw lessons from the way I was brought up which I know is not unique but certainly can benefit others around me. I believe we are all enrolled in the Life Education College which teaches us life lessons daily. The subject of competition stands out as an important one as I know whoever is reading this article faces this on a daily basis be it in the home, school, business, sports, arts and all the domains you can mention. Your attitude towards competition determines whether you entertain or become violent towards alternative at hand. Bear in mind that there are others who view you or your business as competition. What does that bring out of you? Tolerance towards others or you desire the much aspired for monopoly. As marketers, there is a need to change our mindsets when we view competition.
Important Lessons
1. Your competition is not your enemy - Competition is important in life and business. The moment our attitude moves towards enemies and camps, it affects the tone of our advertising. I have seen competitors putting up billboards next to each other's premises demeaning or undermining the value of the other solution provider? For what? Some want to call it aggressive marketing but this borders on the wrong emotions. Advertise what you have not what your competitor can not do. Change your focus and be real to your clientele who are after value not necessarily your raves and chants against your "rivals". As children we used to have "tale-tales" where we ran to our father as soon as a fellow "rival" did something against the father's principle. It brought pleasure to bring the other person down and the hope that one would have gained favor and immunity for future misdemeanor. Believe me, it is not worth it.
2. There is enough business for everyone - As mankind we generally harbor the feeling that "there is not enough around us". With such a mentality, anyone who shows interest in what we desire to possess and own is unnecessary. The truth is that in whatever area of interest, there is enough room to do business for everyone. There are untapped resources under the surface of the earth which we are endowed with. Our "shortage" mentality removes creativity to explore new avenues as we are always drawn to what is readily available not what is hoped for. Let competition come to help you meet the needs of people. If you came and put up the same kind of shop next to mine, I would not be moved into depression. I have actually had those experiences. My customers never tried because there was a level of contentment with what my business was providing. You can shake in your boots if you were taking customers for granted. My point remains, do not hate the competitor, there is more than enough clients to please. As a young boy I always felt that the more children were being added to this world by my father, indeed the more his resources were going to deplete hence I was gripped with fear. When it turned out that his savings were not spared by the record inflation in my country, it was like "I knew it, too many competing for one man's supply".
3. Competition is the ignition key to excellence & creativity - Sometimes monopolies bring about a level of complacency. In a sales department where you are the only sales person available, you sometimes set small goals and can walk away with excuses why it is "so hard and so impossible" to get into the market until two other sales executives are hired. Now the truth comes out as you jostle for recognition. The best in you comes out. As mentioned before, my dad had three wives and I remember he received three kinds of meals each time (my first encounter with a buffet). Our mothers had to ensure they made the best meals to please the "highest office" in the family. It brought some passive competition which of course benefited my dad immensely. Excellence came out even where is seemed unlikely. Note: I am in no way encouraging anyone to get more than one wife. I am using my own life as a case study for you to learn from.
4. Love your competition - it will confuse them if they don't know they should be loved. It takes you to break the myth that goes round. Everyone is born thinking that if we are both interested in one thing, we have to use enough energy doing PhD techniques ("Pull him Down" or "Purposeful human Destruction"). The virtue of love is usually never shared among people who are grappling for the same resource unless of course it is a popularity contest situation such as supporting the same soccer team, same political party etc. When love is expressed to the competition, it opens up avenues of synergy not speculative activity and spying missions. If the competitor considers you an enemy, no wonder you are encouraged to "Love your enemies". Take your competitor for lunch. You never know how a mentoring relationship can suddenly come up. It can be a peer to peer mentoring relationship where you teach me and I in turn volunteer a few coaching clinics unofficially for you.
5. Be different at what you do - stand out - Ask yourself what makes your business uniquely attractive, What is it that people will travel extra miles to come to you instead of the nearby alternative? When you identify your areas of uniqueness that draw people your way, you now know what to emphasize as you recruit more people to join you. If we both make loaves of bread, I would find creative ways of packaging, slicing, and keeping it fresh. Do those things that no ordinary service provider will do and guarantee yourself repeat business. You can enhance your security and comfort this way. I am the only child of the 24 who to this day has done over 20 different things uniquely. Some of the things have never been attempted in the history of my clan. Do not laugh at this but to me it is important as it illustrates my point of being different in the sea of competition: The first ever to have a wedding in the city, the first ever to venture into the risky idea of starting a business in a hyper inflationary environment, the first member of the clan to fly. I will reserve the rest for another article but I hope by now you understand the idea of being unique in your approach which leaves you secure and fearless.
6. Competition has sizes and levels - I often hear the classical example of how seed from a man is released in millions and the race towards the egg starts. Only one winner gets to create person you are today. No runner ups etc. "Winner takes it all". Competition can be between two individuals (for a position, for space etc.) or between two organizations or companies, or even between countries, e.g. competing to host the World Cup. At the time of writing this article we are actually 56 days closer to the World Cup in South Africa, only 1200 kilometers from where I live. (2 hour flight). You will come to terms with the fact that mankind is naturally competitive. The education systems have always glorified the "best student", the "number one" position etc. not realizing that all 40 passed even though the last one had a 5% pass mark. The education systems refuse to grade anything lower than 40%, they called it "U grade" or ungraded in some systems. It is vital to note that one of the people you should always try to compete against at all times is YOU. Your track record that you set, you standards you engrafted, your excellence from the last project etc. You should look at all those and say "I can beat whoever set that record" even though the person is actually you. It will catapult you to new levels and dimensions of doing business not the "usual way". People who have a strong INTERNAL competition "galas" make it well in life while those who rest on their resume of achievements will soon occupy the doldrums of history.
7. Competition can be either Cooperative or Destructive - Cooperative says "We will all win". You can have people who work cooperatively to improve their way of living. Common in my side of the world are money clubs where 5 women take turns to build capacity in each other. Each month one of the women walks away with $400 from all the women in the network. This does not leave anyone behind. They compete to see who will make the best of the $400 lump sum. Destructive competition seeks to gratify one person or one company by eliminating any opposing alternative. I am totally against the later type of competition. Why destroy a competitor who is helping you stay in check, leaving no stone unturned, through and excellent. My three mothers (my dad's wives) never did anything to destroy or back bite one another to the best of my knowledge. The managed to core exist right up to my father's death. If you are alarmed by the number "3 wives" speak of my grandpa whose children and grandchildren can certainly occupy a suburb on their own - he had 15 known wives and over a hundred of his own children. How did 15 wives exist in one competitive space, answer is that their competition was cooperative. They had a common goal, to keep my grandpa happy. Back to your business - your business units may be many but they need to realize they have a common undertaking - to keep you and your shareholders happy. They should cooperatively compete knowing when one unit does well, it benefits the whole group. There is a place for "Winner takes all" but I tend to desire that everyone gets a share of the pie in accordance to contribution and effort.
8. Competition brings value to the consumer - The main idea behind competition is that it brings efficient allocation of resources. When many suppliers compete for the business of consumers, prices gravitate toward costs of production and scarce resources are used for those goods and services for which there is real demand. Competition thereby produces maximum economic value from given resources, and uses minimum resources to supply a given demand. Consumers get better value where options exist. A monopoly sometimes rips off consumers because that is all the consumer has. It is a "take it or lose it" scenario whereas in a competitive environment it is your product that has to give value to the end user who has a choice to try next door. Competition brings the best value in terms of pricing, quality of service and general presentation. It is always for a consumer to compare and contrast when they go shopping. One should be able to get a low/high priced, low value item out of choice not being "forced" or having the item "imposed" for lack of alternatives. Sometimes all the consumer wants is something that is within the confines of the cash on hand in which case they choose quantity at the expense of quality. The coming of used clothes and used cars to Africa brought shock waves to boutiques and car assembly companies respectively. Now the client has choices on which lifestyle to go with. I love it when I have a buffet of products to select from.
9. Maximize the tool of Competitive Intelligence - Competitive Intelligence is a process of gathering actionable and crucial information in a competitive environment. In this you will be carrying out a research on the business climate and business trends and techniques that another business is following. This tool is primarily used to influence a strategy for business development. Bear in mind that while you should be aware of the direction a competitor is moving. I do not advocate copying a competitor. The tools I share with you above are to assist businesses in monitoring their competition. I am not suggesting that you replicate, duplicate, or copy anything that a competitor does. Use the competitive intelligence to make sound business decisions about the direction you want to take. If other businesses are moving with technology, you may need to likewise move with trends but not copy to the last dot every little bit of detail. If the business next door is ISO certified, find out how you too can attain the same licensing if you feel it will help keep your customers fulfilled and happy. As a torch bearer in my family, I have often encountered the question "How did you do it? How did you manage? What strategy did you put in place to accomplish this?" These are very sound questions that came from my very competitive brothers whom I have no doubt will surpass all I have done. Unknown to them they are engaging in some level of research to know what worked for me not necessarily for duplication but to help them create their own solid strategies.
10. Your competition may not understand you, but do you need to be understood? - One thing in life is that you will never be able to please everyone let alone be understood by everyone you meet. In a competitive environment there is a level of speculation, assumption and thumb sucking what the competitor really is about. When point 9.above is not done properly, people will assume things where they lack understanding or knowledge. You should never live to justify your actions or strategies to anyone. You take ownership and responsibility for what you are giving your customer. You do not owe your competition an apology for doing well. If you change focus towards pleasing your competition, seeking to be understood by them, you will lose ground that needs to be covered. Where direct tensions arise, certainly it calls for you to bring a resolve. It is not necessary to operate where there is "pollution" when it is in your power to eliminate it. Bottom-line is that you and your competitor are not fighting each other but are fighting other external macro-economic forces together. In so doing you help to bring a long lasting sustainable business environment for all parties in the same industry. Companies do this by formulating Unions for their line of business which lobby and engage authorities collectively. In such scenarios you should not isolate yourselves as a business but work with others for the common good of the industry.
You can thrive in the face of competition. You have to remain resolute on the fact that there is no shortage of business out there. Give your customer value and quality and watch how far your business will go.
Rabison Shumba is a young African entrepreneur who has interests in Information and Communication Technology, Agriculture and Mining. He is also a motivational speaker, trainer and author. His book, The Greatness Manual and various online articles are tools for personal and professional development. Together with 100 other Career Experts, Rabison co-authored the 101 Great Ways to Enhance your Career. Rabison has a personal vision of impacting the lives of children in marginalized communities by creating platforms for career counsel and guidance, information empowerment and capacity building through the Greatness Factory Trust, where he currently holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Acting Executive Director. He is actively involved in the organization of career enhancement and guidance colloquiums to propel and inspire both young and mature professionals to greatness. His areas of expertise include strategy, leadership, personal and professional development. Rabison is married to Jackie, and they have two daughters. They reside in Harare, Zimbabwe. or

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Saturday, 14 July 2012

On-line Competition Information

Competitions around the world are very forms of find competitions wherein the world. It clearly explains searchers taught to channel gainfully and express thoughts and feelings.
Competitions around the world site are very helpful for individuals, young and old, who feel that unable to find Competitions, where it's going on. It is really good for the people to find the competition conducting places and further details. Therefore those who enter here sure they feel happy and enjoy.
Human beings have the interest to show capacity of their power and express thoughts and feelings through physical movements and knowledge. Competition is known one to all people of the past and present. Younger people are able to express their talent in this way without any immoral and without revenge. Unfortunately people are growing up in modern society through lot of responsibility. They are bogged downward by regulations discourage this kind of competition. This concealed emotion can often lead to physical and mental manifestations.
This competition around world site can help any capable person from any age group easily find verity of competitions like online and offline. Competition around world aim is enable the person to find a place of competition and motivated to participate. Inside of the site verity of competition option available therefore searcher can pick particular competition as soon. Every event separately explain about type of competition and name of competition, when the competition starts and end details also available more over the prize detailed also explained clearly. These details help people to understand and attend competition with proper plan. Therefore competition around the world search persons day by day gradually increased.
Competition around the world is best boost for cyclic work person. It also relies the stress and depression for lonely and separator feeling person. The person who interested to get relax, it so good for them, because they motivated to attend the competition then they go to attend the competition, finally they wiped out their personal worries. Most of them try for this for small change but finally they totally change.
Competition around the world may suggest schedule but encourages participants to take the proposal and make their own. Eventually, the participants learn to express their feelings beneficially, talk familiar problems over and learn how to make your mind up them superior.
Attending Competition has always been an essential part of all life style as leisure, as a mode of activity as well as a balance for life. Competition is a very powerful source and has shown great opening on human beings. Competition can reduce worries and stimulate human. Competition can also stimulate feelings of sadness, fear, joy and peacefulness. Because of these reactions, the knowledge of making and listening to competition can be very valuable when perform as a figure of part.
In competition around the world, the competition conductors make competition as a type of registration and as an expression of their sincere emotions. In their part, they apply different events as well as their own thought to create events. Competition around the world can help people with various feelings but is especially helpful in children and adults with sportive and knowledgeable. This can also help those who are physically imperfect in some way by improving mouthful of air and muscle bringing together.
These activities are often done in certain sports club and schools. Trained people with a qualification in competition are required to take part the competition.
John is a professional Copywriter of Online Competition Information. He written many articles about competition, writing contest and essay writing competition. For more information about online competition information, competition around the world and Fiction writing contest, Contact him at

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Friday, 8 June 2012

The Psychology of Competition

On the biological, social, psychoanalytic and cultural theories of competition and the differences between competition, power and ambition
A lot has been written on the psychological aspects of competition and our need to survive and excel beyond our own set limits. Competition is also about power, about using our energies in a constructive manner so that certain goals are easily achieved. However unlike power which can have wider and political motives, competition is more appropriate for every aspect of our daily life. Power is more of an internal and deeper state of mind and competition is an act or motivation towards achieving a particular goal.
The need for power is deeply embedded in any personality and is more permanent and could be unhealthy, and a person who seeks power will never change whereas competition is a more temporary condition and the competitive needs of individuals are healthier although the close link between power and competition cannot be ruled out. Competition can be explained in many ways - with the Darwinian theory of evolution and the need for survival, the Freudian theory of sexuality and sexual needs as propelling competitive needs, although this could again be closely related to ambition. So power, ambition, competition would be certain closely related concepts and one overlaps the other but power is a stronger version with even a negative connotation to our desire for survival and proving our worth; ambition is a more positive version of this desire to survive and excel and competition is a common and more of an immediate desire as it is related to more specific events or achievements.
But I would categorize competition as event or immediate achievement oriented as the event or achievement is the main motivation to compete, power as desire oriented as it stems from a deeper desire to exercise control and ambition as goal or status oriented. I have talked about ambition extensively in another essay and will do so about power in another essay but in this article, I focus on the more psychological aspects of competition. Competition seems to affect every aspect of our life including academics and education, sports and athletics, and also work, career and wealth accumulation. Wealth, money and political ambitions could be however more about power than only about competition. Competition is a desire to excel, to achieve something for approval from friends and family and for improving one's self confidence and self worth.
The Biological Explanation of Competition
The biological explanation of competition could be explained with evolutionary or even endocrinal perspectives as certain hormones in our body could make us more active and competitive. Competition could be explained with the theory of evolution and a phrase largely used to explain Darwin - the survival of the fittest. Darwin's theory means that the species that are able to adapt to their own natural environment are successful because they have the inherent ability to survive. Thus competition is about adapting, mastering and as a result surviving in the environment around us. Whether it is work, play or study, competition is about mastery and the desire to even impose this mastery on the environment. In a competition, whether formal or informal, the focus is on learning the ways of the environment and controlling them in a way that could be most beneficial for an individual. The final motive is to gain something by adapting to the environment and this gain could be explained later with a social theory of competition. The Darwinian theory however could be used to highlight less of the effects of competition and focus more on the process of competition and how goals are attained. This could be very well related to an evolutionary theory of psychology in which the Darwinian ideas are used to explain psychological concepts. However struggles in Darwinism could have wider connotations and in Darwin's philosophy competition and cooperation could also merge. This would be specifically true if competition is considered as an attempt to adapt to society and to its rules and challenges and then competing is participating and participation is also cooperation.
The Psychoanalytic Explanation of Competition
Competition could be explained with the theory of sexuality in which Freud identifies sexual needs and basic sexual or libidinal urges as responsible for our need to achieve and prove ourselves. Sexual energy drives and motivates people to achieve the goals in life and competition could well be explained with these libidinal energies that continually motivate people to excel or achieve their life goals. However according to the Freudian theory there has to be a certain balance of the id and ego guided by pleasure principles and reality for better achievement of one's goals.
Competition according to psychoanalysis would be about finding a balance between id and ego and achieving life goals using constructive energies. Competition is just not about fulfilling personal pleasure but also about regulation and control of pleasures in the direction of socially acceptable achievements.
The Cultural Explanation of Competition
The anthropological or cultural theory of competition suggests that competition may or may not be acceptable within certain cultures. Some primitive cultures valued cooperation as we have learnt in case of group behavior in primitive societies, where hunting and such activities were done in groups. However competition has been found in inter-group or even inter-racial struggles as could be seen from numerous examples in history. Anthropologist Margaret Mead (1937), discussed cooperation and competition among primitive peoples and examined competition in terms of culture or that competition may or may not be appreciated by a particular culture and culture could be defined in terms of how society accepts it.
The Social Explanation of Competition
In our modern urban society, competition is considered positive and in fact necessary to survive and prove one's worth. Developing a competitive spirit is considered as essential in achieving life goals and competitiveness has direct relevance with one's social standing as winning in competition gives a sense of self worth, a sense of gain and helps in securing approval from immediate friends and society at large. The social theory of competition would highlight the value of competing and winning whether at work or play and competition is thus seen as positive in modern urban culture and this is true for urban cultures across the world. Competition is socially accepted and also participation in competition increases social acceptability of an individual. As social approval is essential to our survival and emotional well being, competition has a social relevance and value and is thus also has evolutionary advantage.
The biological explanation of competition could be explained with evolutionary or even endocrinal perspectives as suggested and could even explain excessive competitiveness in certain individuals. The psychoanalytic explanation would also be equally important as the balance between the id and ego and proper channeling of libidinal urges help in achieving goals via the competition. The need for competition thus arises not just from biological but also psychological causes. The cultural and social explanations of competition highlight why competition is socially and culturally accepted although the acceptability of competition may vary between societies. Although cooperation and competition are seemingly opposite concepts, competition could be considered as simply an extension of cooperation and the two are interdependent.
Reflections in Psychology - Part I - by Saberi Roy (2009)

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